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We need help!!!!
Paul and I are both useless at any sort of gardening, but we do have a flat/apartment with a small, boring little "garden" (there is a VERY busy main road on the other side of that hedge!).
The garden has this weirdo grill/mesh/shaft thing - the garage photo explains what that is all about.
So the grill/shaft can't be changed, but it seemed like a good place to put some planter boxes on top of.

Planter boxes like that are good for us old folk with bad backs, although they are nowhere near as tall as we'd like them to be.
Anyhow......... I think he bought ten of them (from Aldi........ a really good special), and we already have a few bags of soil/dirt.

Although we are well known for killing plants, we'd still like to have a little mini garden, mostly to use in the kitchen (i.e. herbs etc), and maybe even a little bit of pretty for us and for the local insects.

Being in Germany, we obviously have to consider the cold winter, plus there is also the brown-thumb problem.

So we are hoping for a bit of guidance and advice on what we could/should plant, and when we should start doing it (ready for next spring/summer).
Crossing fingers that you - as a green-thumb person - might be able to give us a few tips.
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